Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Does Death Affect Our Lives?

Everyday people are dying whether it's in our immediate vicinity or on the opposite side of the globe. Many people are dying in the war in Iraq, even innocent people that play no role in the war. People in the area begin to fear being hit by a bomb while walking home. Even people outside of their country begin to worry about all the innocent that are dying, thinking what if that were my child or family member? The people in Rochester don't really have to worry about bombs but the increasing number of individuals that have been shot and killed, young and old, has caused many people to enter the grieving stage. No matter where death occurs it affects the way we live. Death installs fear in every being and as a result we begin to live in caution. It causes us to avoid certain places when searching for homes, limit the freedom of our children and to carry ourselves in a certain manner in order to avoid conflict that may result in someones death. Whether it is effective or not. Can death really influence the way we live? If so, how does death affect you as an individual, both directly and indirectly?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do Violent Video Games Cause Violence?

Many ‘M’ rated video games are very controversial. Games like Grand Theft Auto have been sparking debates on how they have negative influences on our youth. A few years ago two teenage boys went on a sniping spree which wounded one and killed another. The boys also told authorities that they were mimicking the game by trying to hit the sides of passing vehicles. Also, many children spend an excess amount of time on video games. Many children also claim that their favorite video games are violent ones, this can, and has been proven to result in aggressive behavior. It has also been proven that these violent games have tended to make children less caring and likely to help out their peers. So what do you think? Do these types of video games have a bad influence on our youth?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is It Fair That With Fame and Money Comes Exemption From the Law?

Many of our celebrities get in trouble with the law alittle too frequently for them to still be allowed in the streets. The rapper "T.I." Clifford Harris was recently convicted of illegal gun charges, he was only given 1 year and a day of jail time and 1000 community service hours. There are countless cases of men who were convicted of gun charges and have spent numerous years in jail, but because of the fame and money they are punished lightly. Singer Chris Brown has been charged with assault against his ex-girlfriend Rihanna. Who knows whats even going on with those charges? And now he's just out making music and living life as if nothing
happened. Celebrity wildchilds Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have been arrested countless times for a vast number of reasons and yet they are still out roaming the streets. It just doesn't seem very fair to all the average Joes and Janes who deserve as many chances as the celebrities do. Now its your turn, do you think fame and money make it ok to be exempt from rules and regulations?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

IS Using Clothing To Support A Cause An Effective Way Of Advertising?

It’s amazing what tactics are developed to influence the way we think. Have you noticed that clothing is now being used to influence society? Many stores are selling shirts promoting recycling, war, peace, and fighting against diseases. They are using what appeals to us (fashion) to influence the way we think. When you see a really cute shirt that says, “War is peace” would you buy it for the message it conveys or simply because it’s cute? People tend to purchase items because of how it looks and for that purpose alone.
If you saw me with a shirt that says recycle would you say cute shirt or would we engage in a conversation on whether or not people should recycle and the benefits it has on our society? Would you even stop and ponder the meaning behind what the shirt says? Highly doubted! So though fashion is used as a form of promotion, is it effective? Some may say no. It is just another form of evidence to the ignorance of society because even when something is placed clearly before us we ignore its importance or purpose.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did Lil' Wayne or the New Boyz reinvent Male Skinny Jeans?

lil wayne skinny jeans Pictures, Images and PhotosPhotobucket

There is speculation on whether Lil' Wayne or the New Boyz made Skinny Jeans more popular for guys. After their debut song, "Your A Jerk", Sales of Skinny Jeans for males spurred, so many assume that the New Boyz made Skinny Jeans more popular among guys. In actuality Lil Wayne began wearing them 1st a few years ago at one of his concerts. From the pictures above you can see Lil' Wayne wearing skinny jeans at the MTV Music Awards in '08. The picture of the New Boyz is from the BET Awards '09. So though Lil' wayne started wearing Skinny Jeans first, it was the New Boyz who made them more popular among teen males.